Checking if the First Page of a PDF Contains Text and Images on RHEL

## How to Verify Text and Images on the First Page of a PDF in RHEL

- There are times when you need to check if a PDF file consists solely of text or if it includes images or a mix of elements.
- In particular, there may be cases where it’s essential to confirm if both text and images are present on the first page. This task can be performed efficiently on RHEL using "pdfimages", "pdftotext", and "pdfgrep".


### Prerequisites: Installing Required Packages

- First, install "pdfimages", "pdftotext", and "pdfgrep" on your RHEL environment.
- Generally, RHEL provides these tools through the **Poppler** and **PDFgrep** packages.

To install "poppler-utils":
sudo yum install poppler-utils

To install "pdfgrep":
sudo yum install pdfgrep


### 1. Checking if an Image is Present on the First Page

- The "pdfimages" command is a valuable tool included in the Poppler package for extracting images from a PDF file. This tool can be used to check if there’s an image on the first page.

pdfimages -f 1 -l 1 yourfile.pdf output_prefix

- **Explanation**: The "-f 1" and "-l 1" options specify that only the first page should be extracted. The output prefix defines the prefix for the generated image files.
- **Result Verification**: If there is an image on the first page, a file such as "output_prefix-000.ppm" or "output_prefix-000.jpg" will be created. If no file is created, it indicates there is no image on the first page.


### 2. Checking if Text is Present on the First Page

- To verify the presence of text, you can use either the "pdftotext" or "pdfgrep" command. Each command can extract or search for text in a PDF file.

**Using pdftotext**
pdftotext -f 1 -l 1 yourfile.pdf - | grep -q .

- **Explanation**: The "-f 1" and "-l 1" options limit extraction to the first page. The pipe ("|") connects this output to "grep", which checks if any text is present.
- **Result Verification**: If there is text, there will be no output, but the command will exit with a success status, indicating that text exists on the first page.

**Using pdfgrep**
pdfgrep -f 1 -l 1 -q . yourfile.pdf

- **Explanation**: The "-f 1" and "-l 1" options restrict the search to the first page. The "-q" option suppresses any output.
- **Result Verification**: If text is present, the command exits successfully. Otherwise, it fails.


### 3. Interpreting the Results

Based on the information from the above steps, you can determine if the first page of the PDF contains both text and images:

- **Both Image and Text Present**: If an image file is created by "pdfimages" and text is detected with "pdftotext" or "pdfgrep", the first page contains both text and images.
- **Image Only**: If an image file is created, but no text is detected, the first page consists solely of an image.
- **Text Only**: If text is detected but no image file is created, the first page is text-only.
- **Neither**: If no image file is created and no text is detected, the first page contains neither text nor images.


### Conclusion

By combining "pdfimages", "pdftotext", and "pdfgrep", you can quickly verify if the first page of a PDF contains both text and images on RHEL. This allows for effective PDF analysis, differentiating between pages that contain only images, only text, or both.


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