[4] Nginx Server Setup - Writing a Drogon Test API
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Let's create an API using Drogon to return specific values as a test. --- ## 1. Setting up the Drogon Test Project - Run the following command in the directory where `drogon_ctl` is installed: ``` drogon_ctl create project testAPI cd testAPI ``` --- ## 2. Build - The full path will be /root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/build ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ``` --- If the following error occurs, it’s best to set the environment variable and reinstall Drogon: ``` CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/CMakeFindDependencyMacro.cmake:76 (find_package): By not providing "FindJsoncpp.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Jsoncpp", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Jsoncpp" with any of the following names: JsoncppConfig.cmake jsoncpp-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "Jsoncpp" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Jsoncpp_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Jsoncpp" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. Call Stack (most recent call first): /root/drogon/build/CMakeFiles/DrogonConfig.cmake:39 (find_dependency) CMakeLists.txt:31 (find_package) ``` This issue arises from a mismatch between the paths where Drogon and Jsoncpp are installed. To resolve this: ``` ** Make sure to specify the path where `jsoncpp` is located ** export Jsoncpp_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/jsoncpp Check the correct path using the following commands: find / -name "jsoncpp-config.cmake" 2>/dev/null find / -name "JsoncppConfig.cmake" 2>/dev/null Once identified, set the path and reinstall following the instructions at [Framework Build Reference](https://warguss.blogspot.com/2024/11/3-nginx-c.html) under Section 2. ``` --- ## 3. Creating the Controller ``` drogon_ctl create controller testAPIController A controller will be created in the following path: [root@vbox controllers] (master) $ pwd /root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/controllers ``` ### 3-1. Source Code ``` testAPIController.cc #include "testAPIController.h" void testAPIController::handleRequest(const HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function && callback) { auto resp = HttpResponse::newHttpResponse(); resp->setBody("Drogon Test API"); callback(resp); } --- testAPIController.h #pragma once #include using namespace drogon; class testAPIController : public HttpController { public: METHOD_LIST_BEGIN // Handles GET requests to the root path ADD_METHOD_TO(testAPIController::handleRequest, "/myapi", Get); METHOD_LIST_END void handleRequest(const HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function && callback); }; ``` ### 3-2. Configuration Changes Edit `/root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/config.json`. Use the following structure, modifying only the port to match the NGINX proxy port. ``` "listeners": [ { // address: Ip address, by default "address": "", // port: Port number "port": 8848, // https: If true, use https for security, false by default "https": false } ], ``` ### 3-3. Modify main.cc Modify to load the configuration file by editing /root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/main.cc ``` #include int main() { // Set HTTP listener address and port // drogon::app().addListener("", 5555); // Load config file drogon::app().loadConfigFile("../config.json"); // drogon::app().loadConfigFile("../config.yaml"); // Run HTTP framework, the method will block in the internal event loop drogon::app().run(); return 0; } ``` ### 3-4. Rebuild ``` cd /root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/build make ./testAPI # Run the application ``` ## 4. Testing Verify access via the web. --- ---Related Links
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