라벨이 upload html인 게시물 표시

[6] Nginx Server Setup - Implementing Upload/Download + Simple Upload Client

With directory listing set up, let's implement file upload/download functionality using Drogon. --- ## 1. Server Function Implementation ### 1-1. Implementing Drogon Controller Register the Drogon Controller. (This step is required for it to be recognized during the build.) ``` cd /root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl drogon_ctl create controller FileController ``` --- ### 1-2. Implement Upload/Download Functionality Source path: `/root/drogon2/drogon/build/drogon_ctl/testAPI/controllers` FileController.h #pragma once #include using namespace drogon; class FileController : public HttpController { public: std::string _storagePath = "/root/storage/"; METHOD_LIST_BEGIN // Handles POST requests for "/upload" ADD_METHOD_TO(FileController::handleUpload, "/upload", Post); // Handles GET requests for "/download/{filename}" ADD_METHOD_TO(FileController::handleDownload, "/download/{1}...

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