라벨이 behavioral economics인 게시물 표시

The Psychology of Loss Aversion: Why Small Losses Feel More Painful

People tend to feel losses more intensely than gains. This is known as **Loss Aversion Bias**, a concept that significantly influences decision-making processes, especially in investments. This article explores the psychological causes and effects of loss aversion bias and provides strategies to overcome it. --- ## **What is Loss Aversion Bias?** Loss aversion bias, first introduced by behavioral economists **Daniel Kahneman** and **Amos Tversky**, refers to the phenomenon where the pain of losing is felt more acutely than the pleasure of gaining an equivalent amount. - Example: The pain of losing $100 outweighs the joy of gaining $100. - This shows that humans are inherently inclined to avoid losses. --- ## **Why Are Losses More Painful?** ### 1. **Survival Instincts** - Evolutionarily, losses posed direct threats to survival, making humans more sensitive to them. - Even small losses can be perceived as significant threats by the brain. ### 2. **Psychological Asym...

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