라벨이 RHEL Virtual Machine Configuration인 게시물 표시

[1] Nginx Server Setup - VirtualBox Installation and Putty Connection

# How to Set Up a Linux Virtual Environment for Testing Using VirtualBox on Windows 10 Setting up a Linux virtual environment can be helpful for testing purposes. This guide walks you through setting up a virtual machine on Windows 10 using VirtualBox. --- ## 1. VirtualBox Download To begin, download VirtualBox. - Go to [VirtualBox Downloads](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads). - Download the installer for your OS (choose "Windows hosts" for Windows 10). --- After downloading, proceed with the installation by following the prompts. --- ## 2. RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) OS Download Since CentOS reached its End of Life (EOL), it's recommended to use RHEL. - Visit [RHEL Downloads](https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhel/download) (version 9.4 as of 2024.11.02). - To use RHEL for free, register for an Individual Developer Subscription. There is no cost for registration. --- ## 3. VirtualBox - Setting Up a RHEL Virtual Machine 1. **Create...

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