라벨이 Herd Psychology인 게시물 표시

Herd Psychology and Investment: Is the Majority Always Right?

In investing, people often trust the "choice of the majority." While the majority appears to be right due to strong psychological reasons, this does not always lead to the correct decision. This article explores the influence of herd psychology on investment and its potential risks. --- ## **What is Herd Psychology?** Herd psychology refers to the tendency to act in a certain way influenced by the behavior of a group rather than as an individual. Humans, being social animals, have a strong instinct to belong to a group. By following the choices of the majority, people often feel a sense of psychological security. In investing, herd psychology is particularly evident. When someone says, "Everyone is buying this stock," many tend to follow suit and purchase that stock. --- ## **Moments When Herd Psychology Manifests in Investment** ### 1. **Bubble Formation and Herd Psychology** Herd psychology is a major driver of market bubbles. Famous examples include ...

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