라벨이 Capital Accumulation인 게시물 표시

Karl Marx and Modern Finance: Solutions and Strategies from Das Kapital

**Karl Marx**, in his seminal work **"Das Kapital"**, analyzed the functioning and contradictions within capitalism. His ideas provide a critical framework for understanding modern financial capitalism. This article explores the core concepts of Marx's *Das Kapital* and discusses their implications for the contemporary financial system. --- ## Core Concepts of Marx's *Das Kapital* ### 1. **Surplus Value Theory** Marx argued that labor creates the value of commodities, and capitalists exploit the surplus value produced by workers. This surplus value arises from the difference between the actual value created by labor and the wages paid to workers. - **Modern Application**: Today, large global corporations adopt strategies to maximize surplus value by enhancing productivity and cutting costs. - **Example**: **Amazon** utilizes automation technologies and a global supply chain to maximize productivity and generate surplus value. --- ### 2. **Capital Accum...

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